Hello lovelies,
I'm Becky - and I'm a 21 year old from Halifax in the UK. I currently work in Education (not as a teacher!) and have love food, games and enjoying life.
Cupcakes, craziness and classes (a reference to my education career/ongoing study) is my own little bubble on the Internet where I can ramble, post blogs and hopefully meet loads of new people.
If you like the blog, be sure to add me by clicking on the Google Plus icon. Some frequently asked questions about my blog are below but I hope you enjoy reading and get in contact.
Frequently asked questions
Do you have any sponsors?
At the moment, no! If you are interested in this then please comment with your e-mail address and I'll contact you. Any products that I review have been bought with my own money unless otherwise stated.
Will you follow me on my blog/Facebook/Twitter?
Blogs, yes! I love reading blogs - so if you think yours is something I'll be interested in then please do say :)
As for Facebook and Twitter, I use both of them for work - so I won't be able to add you to them .
Where do you work?/Why do you never discuss it?
I work with young adults to help them gain access to education. For Safeguarding reasons, I can't post anything about my job - hence why my work information is closely guarded. I am completing a Masters Degree as part of my job so I may occasionally discuss my studies on this blog.
I think I know you from somewhere...
Rebecca Taylor is a pseudonym, so I'm doubtful that's the case.
What is the current schedule for your blog?
Currently, I am aiming to post on my blog three or four times a week. The current schedule is:
Monday: A challenge or a quiz plus an update on any weekend activities. I will also update you on my life, my Masters and any other news in this blog.
Wednesday: A game review: I love gaming and plan to review a large amount of Nintendo and PC games to begin with. These games will be a mixture of free and bought games.
Thursday: To be confirmed. At the moment, the best term to describe this day would be "ramblings."
Friday OR Saturday: This will be my weekly foody post focussing on something I ate, baked or made. This post could be on Friday or Saturday - my weekends are fairly flexible and are very family focussed so I couldn't commit to just one day.
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