Monday, 22 April 2013

Monday - Life update and quizzes

Hello lovelies, 

Nothing to update on the life front. It's just been such a dull week - literally work, sleep and eating. Below are the two challenge I will be doing for the next little bit. Below is the May Photo-a-day challenge that I'll be completing  and a fifteen week about me challenge too.

Fifteen week challenge: Two good things that have happened recently

The first was enjoying the Easter holidays. As I work in Education, school holidays are so much fun. I didn't do much - but it was so nice to have the time off, lie-ins, lazy days and staying up late. 

The second thing is getting to spend some time with my family. I recently went out with my cousins, brother and Grandad for a day out and stuff like that is wonderful. We went to a National Trust property and had a great time exploring, learning about history and pretending to be apprentices. 

1 - Two good things that happened recently
2 - Most recent person you started following on twitter and why
3 - Last movie you saw and your thoughts on it
4 - Story behind something you recently discovered
5 - Recent development in one particular relationship of yours
6 - Last book you read and your thoughts on it
7 - One unlucky thing that happened recently
8 - The latest random thing that happened to you
9 - Something you learned about yourself recently
10 - Last trip you went on and one major highlight
11 - Most recent event that made you smile
12 - Three new music artist you became interested in
13 - Last thing you’ve missed of reminisced about
14 - Most recent words of wisdom you heard that stuck with you
15 - Two things that you hope to see happened in the next three months

See you tomorrow for my first Tuesday "short"

Much Blogging Love

1 comment:

  1. Hi!! You recently commented on my blog about making videos... thought I would come here and answer your question :) All I do is use iMovie! I basically taught myself through experimenting and just a lot of time with the software (a TON of editing, overlays, etc.). Then I upload to YouTube and voila, videos for the internet to see! Hopefully that answers your question? I wasn't sure what specifically you were looking for in an answer when you said "getting the video right"; let me know ^__^

