Saturday, 20 April 2013

Weekend baking, part 1 - Bread and Butter Pudding

Hello Blogging Lovelies, 

So, for my first weekend baking entry, I decided to make my all time favourite pudding: Bread and Butter Pudding. 

This was super simple to make: I buttered five slices of white, fairly stale bread and sliced them into halves and layered them into a greased dish. On top of each layer, I added dates and sugar. I prefer to use dates instead of the traditional raisins as they caramelise a bit more and, as I have a mega sweet tooth, they taste a little bit sweeter. After that, I just whisked half of litre of milk and two eggs together and poured the custard over the top. Finally, just before the pudding went into the oven, I sprinkled a little bit more sugar over the top to make the top nice and crispy when it had baked.  I put it in the oven at 190 degrees for 35 minutes. 

The finished product.  Looks good, right? Tasted wonderful too. 

And, looks like I'l be baking some more tomorrow, I'm making some mini-cakes for a family party so I'll blog how those turn out too. 

Much Blogging Love xxx

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